Funding and support

Your funding applications

You applied for the Be Active Wales Fund on the 18th October 2022.

Application status: Pending

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Community sport grants

Be Active Wales Fund

To help you grow participation in sport and other activity.

The Fund aims to help clubs and community organisations to:

  • - reduce inequality
  • - create long-term sustainability
  • - introduce new ways of operating


Get up to £15,000 to improve your community sports facility through crowdfunding.

We'll match between 30% and 50% of the total you raise through crowdfunding.

Apply on Crowdfunder

Elite Cymru

Elite Cymru

For elite athletes in non-Olympic and non-Paralympic sport.

You can apply by invitation only. Please speak to your governing body.

Application Requirements

Talent Cymru

For help with the cost of competing.

Please speak to your governing body to apply.

Application Requirements
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